Monday, January 26, 2009

More Things i've learned about Rome

1. There is no such thing as coffee to go. But the coffee here is incredible. They put starbucks to shame, and for only 1 euro!

2. In some areas, streets, sidewalks, parking lots, are all the same thing.

3. Don't mess with the Caribineri, they are the hardcore police. They openly walk around with sub-machine guns in the streets.

4. Italian nuns will push you to see the pope. literally, they push you out of the way.

5. You can drive up onto a sidewalk and walk away. Nobody says anything.

6. House wine is hit or miss. It's usually very reasonably priced and its either really good, or really bad.

7. If you ever walk around wondering why all the stores are closed, its because of siesta time. Three hours in the middle of the day where everyone shuts down and eats, drinks, socializes, and no business seems to be done.

8. Pickpockets are such a problem on the Metro that there are cartoons playing on the tv's portraying a pickpocket failing in random situations.

9. People here seem to drink wine and beer all day, but they never drink to get drunk. Huge difference from America.

Check back for updates soon


  1. I am so glad you kept this blog up, it's awesome reading about your trips and everything! I can't wait for you guys to get home, we'll have to have a welcome home party for ya!

  2. I think Jordan went one-on-one with an Italian nun at the Vatican and lost.......
