Thursday, January 29, 2009

Final Points

This is my last night in Rome and I must pack now before we all go out for a final night on the town. My plans are to spend the rest of my Euros at a restaurant and the Abbey Theater ( Or scholars maybe?). Well I had a great journey, and i learned so much and have countless stories to tell. We all went around at lunch today and told everyone what we got most out of the trip, and it was very moving at times. Everyone had a great time and learned alot about themselves, their faith, and each other. Check back in a few weeks for the movie! I'll be making it as soon as i get back. Now, for some quick points about the trip

Random fact: When Saint Lawrence was being executed, they basically placed him on a skillet, as if he was being barbequed. When he was being cooked alive, history has it that he said something along the lines of "I'm done on this side. You can turn me over now"...badass

True story: We got to enter the Papal apartments where the Pope lives and even got to see his private chapel. When security did not let us leave the chapel right away, we wondered why. We learned afterwards that the Pope was walking down the hallway so they kept us in the chapel so he could get by.

Funny Quote: "Crown Royal and 'oh shit'? Is that a drink? I've never heard of it."
-Father Bob

inspiration: Going to mass when we were little kids might have been boring, but going to a mass in a completely different language is a really good experience. Local Italians who did not even understand English joined in our small masses and you can see that it was really theyre faith that brought them to do that.

Big Coincidence: I ran into a friend Matt Sabin, who i went to middle school and high school with. I havent seen him in about 3 years, and he happened to be studying in Rome, and we happened to walk into the same bar.

Random Fact: Saints Peter and Paul are everywhere. And they are always portrayed together.

I'll try and do a final wrap up tomorrow at the airport, but for now, arrivederci to Roma.

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